What is Subject-Verb Agreement and Examples?

It’s essential to match the right subject with the right verb in English. This helps people understand what you’re saying, and understanding this is key to improving your English. This blog explains everything about matching subjects and verbs, with examples to clarify things.
In Subject-Verb Agreement the words for the person or thing doing the action match the action itself. If they don’t match, it can be confusing.
Like if someone writes, ‘She runs every morning,’ that’s not right. It should be ‘She runs every morning.’ Making sure these match keeps things clear and easy to understand.
When you’re using present tenses, it’s really important to make sure that the subject and the verb match. However, in the simple past and simple future tenses, the verb stays the same no matter what the subject is.
If you know and follow the rules for subject-verb agreement, you will be able to write sentences without any errors. Take a look at the rules and examples below to see how each rule works.
Basics of Subject-Verb Agreement

Singular and Plural Subjects
Singular Subjects
When a subject is singular (referring to one person, place, thing, or idea), it takes a singular verb.
For Example-
The cat runs fast.
My friend is coming over.
A book sits on the table.
In each of these sentences, the subject refers to just one thing, so the verb is also in the singular form.
Plural Subjects
When a subject is plural (referring to more than one person, place, thing, or idea), it takes a plural verb.
For Example-
The cats run fast.
My friends are coming over.
Books sit on the table.
In these sentences, the subject refers to more than one thing, so the verb is in the plural form.
Compound Subjects
Compound subjects are when two or more subjects are connected by conjunctions like ‘and,’ ‘or,’ or ‘nor.’
Subjects Connected by ‘And’
When subjects are joined by ‘and,’ they usually take a plural verb because they refer to more than one thing or person.
For Example-
The dog and the cat play together.
My brother and sister are at home.
Since ‘the dog and the cat’ and ‘my brother and sister’ refer to more than one individual, we use the plural form of the verb.
Subjects Connected by ‘Or’ or ‘Nor’
When subjects are joined by ‘or’ or ‘nor,’ the verb should agree with the subject that is closest to the verb.
For Example-
Either the teacher or the students are going to present.
Neither the students nor the teacher is ready.
Here, the verb matches the subject nearest to it. If the closer subject is singular, the verb is singular. If the closer subject is plural, the verb is plural.
Special Cases in Subject-Verb Agreements

Indefinite Pronouns
Indefinite pronouns are words like ‘everyone,’ ‘someone,’ ‘nobody,’ ‘each,’ and ‘either.’ These pronouns are always singular and take a singular verb.
For Example-
Everyone is welcome.
Neither of the answers is correct.
However, some indefinite pronouns like ‘few,’ ‘many,’ ‘several,’ and ‘both’ are plural and take a plural verb.
For Example-
Few are coming to the meeting.
Many have applied for the job.
Collective Nouns
Collective nouns refer to a group acting as a single unit, like ‘team,’ ‘family,’ or ‘committee.’ These nouns usually take a singular verb.
For Example-
The team wins every match.
The family is going on vacation.
However, if the members of the group are acting individually, the noun can take a plural verb.
For Example-
The team are arguing among themselves.
The family are each bringing a dish to the picnic.
Titles of Books, Movies, and Other Works
Titles of books, movies, and other works, even if they seem plural, take a singular verb because the title is considered one single entity.
For Example-
‘The Chronicles of Narnia’ is a popular series.
‘The Lord of the Rings’ was written by J.R.R. Tolkien.
Amounts of Money, Time, and Measurements
When expressing an amount of money, time, or measurement, use a singular verb because the amount is seen as a single unit.
For Example-
Five dollars is enough.
Three hours is a long wait.
Ten kilometers is a significant distance.
Understanding subject-verb agreement helps make your writing clear and correct. Some important points are-
- Singular subjects take singular verbs
– The cat runs fast.
- Plural subjects take plural verbs
– The cats run fast.
- Compound subjects joined by ‘and’ take plural verbs
– The dog and the cat play together.
- Compound subjects joined by ‘or’ or ‘nor’ take a verb that agrees with the nearest subject
– Either the teacher or the students are presenting.
- Indefinite pronouns like ‘everyone’ or ‘nobody’ take singular verbs
– Everyone is welcome.
- Indefinite pronouns like ‘few’ or ‘many’ take plural verbs
– Few are coming to the meeting.
- Collective nouns can take singular or plural verbs depending on the context
– The team wins, The team are arguing.
- Titles of works take singular verbs
– ‘The Chronicles of Narnia’ is popular.
- Amounts of money, time, or measurements take singular verbs
– Five dollars is enough.
By keeping these rules and examples in mind, you will be able to ensure that your subjects and verbs always agree, making your sentences grammatically correct and easy to understand.
Advanced Subject-Verb Agreement Rules =

Subjects Separated from Verbs
Sometimes, phrases come between the subject and verb that do not affect the verb’s form. The verb should still agree with the main subject.
The bouquet of roses smells delightful.
The dog with all the puppies was very friendly.
Intervening Phrases or Clauses
Ignore intervening phrases or clauses when determining the correct verb form.
- The president, along with his advisors, is meeting today.
- The book, including all the chapters, is interesting.
Subjects with Relative Pronouns
When the subject is a relative pronoun such as ‘who,’ ‘which,’ or ‘that,’ the verb should agree with the noun the pronoun refers to.
- She is one of the students who have passed the exam.
- It is the only one of the dogs that barks loudly.
Indefinite Pronouns as Subjects
Some indefinite pronouns (e.g., all, any, more, most, none, some) can be singular or plural depending on the noun they refer to.
- All of the milk is gone.
- All of the cookies are gone.
Plural Form, Singular Meaning
Words that are plural in form but singular in meaning (e.g., news, mathematics) take a singular verb.
- The news is on at 7 p.m.
- Mathematics is hard for some students.
Collective Nouns
Collective nouns can take either singular or plural verbs depending on whether the group is acting as a single unit or as individuals.
- The team wins every game.
- The team are arguing among themselves.
Expressions of Quantity
When the subject is an expression of quantity (e.g., fractions, percentages, portions), the verb agrees with the noun following ‘of.’
- One-third of the cake has been eaten.
- Fifty percent of the students are present.
Titles and Proper Nouns
Titles of single entities like books, movies, and other works take a singular verb even if the title appears plural.
- ‘The Chronicles of Narnia is a famous book series.
- ‘The United States’ is a large country.
Subjects with Singular and Plural Forms
Some nouns have the same form for both singular and plural. The meaning in context determines the verb form.
- The deer is in the meadow.
- The deer are grazing in the field.
1. What is Subject-Verb Agreement?
- Subject-verb agreement is about making sure the subject (the person or thing doing the action) and the verb (the action) match. If the subject is one thing, the verb has to be for one thing. If the subject is many things, the verb has to be for many things. Following this rule makes sure sentences are easy to understand and right in terms of grammar.
1. Give 5 examples of Subject-Verb Agreement.
- Some examples of Subject-Verb Agreement are-
- The cat sleeps on the couch.
- Jack and Jill go up the hill.
- Either the teacher or the students are responsible for the decorations.
- Everyone is invited to the party.
- The team wins every game.
2. What is the common mistake in the Subject-Verb Agreement?
- The common mistake of ignoring the subject when it’s separated from the verb, misunderstanding singular and plural indefinite pronouns, confusion with collective nouns, errors with compound subjects, and incorrect agreement with titles is common.