15 Untapped Ways To Motivate Yourself To Write Every Day

How to motivate yourself to write

How do great writers publish such lofty books without stopping or failing?

How to motivate yourself to write even when the times get TOUGH?

These are some of the most prominent questions that worry almost many of us who are into WRITING

If you feel the same, you are not alone.

In this ultimate guide, I have listed down 15 proven & working strategies that will support you in keeping up the motivation even when you aren’t in the MOOD to do so.

So, if you want to:

  • Be a constant writer.
  • Build an unbreakable daily writing habit.
  • Keep yourself motivated to write all the time.

And a lot more.

Then you will love this new guide.

Let’s begin.

15 Untapped Ways To Motivate Yourself To Write Every Day

15 Best Ways On How To Motivate Yourself To Write

1. Read More

Thereโ€™s no substitute for reading more for better writing.

And I have data backed up some data to prove it. According to Literacy Works, a writer who does not like to read is similar to a musician who does not like to listen to music.

Reading vs not reading

Thereโ€™s no brainstorming in it.

Hereโ€™s a harsh truth behind it:

You cannot experience all the tastes (in terms of success and failure) by yourself. And that is the main reason why books are created.

They are developed and refined through countless hours of hard work so that smart individuals like you and me can learn from successful personality experiences without even meeting them in person.

In fact, reading itself can prove to be one of the best motivating factors for writers.

No wonder why America is one of the fastest-growing countries in the world. According to Statista, an average of Americans aged 20 to 34 read for at least 6.6. minutes daily

Average American Reading Time

I know the numbers are not that impressive. However, a habit of reading even one page daily is a great thing in itself.

If you are not a reading freak, you can start like what I did: By creating a reading ritual every morning. 

Yes, you have to commit yourself to read at least 1-5 pages of any book daily. 

Be it fiction, self-help, productivity, or anything that drives you crazy.

The only goal, for now, is to read. Read till you breathe.

If you are not ok with the books, go with eBooks or blog posts just like this one ๐Ÿ™‚

If you are blogging, reading will also aid you in writing your blog posts faster.

In the end: Reading will accommodate you to come up with better ideas, new words & will help you avoid using words like โ€œaโ€ & โ€œtheโ€ all the time.

Never stop reading.

2. Set Goals

Letโ€™s face it.

Almost all of us like to create a to-do list and put in dozens of tasks. But when it comes to completing them, all the checkboxes are unchecked.

You are not alone.

If you want to achieve your daily goals, you will need to learn to set the goals the right way.

Similarly, while writing anything, you can set a specific goal that you want to achieve after completing that written piece.

For example:

We recently published a pillar post on โ€œHow to write a blog postโ€. 

How to write a blog post

But before writing this blog post, I set some goals that I wanted to achieve after a reader completes reading the article.

And my main goal was: To help my readers with instantly actionable strategies that can help them start something just after reading the whole article.

Everyone can set a goal. But if you want to nail out your planning strategy, you need to follow this process:

Setting Smart Goals

S – Specific
M – Measurable
A – Attainable
R – Relevant
T – Time-Bound

That said:

You can too create some types of goals for your writing to help it deliver the work more efficiently.

3. Practice Minimalism

First things first, minimalism makes you more productive.

In fact, practicing minimalism for 30 days helped me bring down my DAILY phone screen time from more than 2 hours to LESS THAN 20 minutes after disabling Instagram & YouTube.

My phone screen time

Yeah, minimalism is not only about decluttering your clothes and all. You can also choose to adopt a monastic approach.

However, you do not need to stop everything from the first day itself because it is too much for your willpower.

Instead, you can start with a small step like cleaning your bed and folding your blankets every day.

This will motivate you to write.

Where there is cleanliness, there is peace of mind. 

If you are working on a table with a laptop, it is advisable to put away all the things that seem to be distracting which include: Your phone, pages, cluttered books, etc.

Keep your cupboards clean and free of infinite clothes.

Besides motivating me to write more, minimalism has helped me bring my life to a routine through self-discipline.

It is not hard. All you need is a commitment to disable a few things & one of the most dangerous of all is Social media.

4. Set Writing Deadlines

A deadline creates acute stress (It is good).

Acute stress creates urgency.

Urgency helps you complete any given task within or before the time & help boost your internal motivation to write more.

Deadlines are important to track your progress & complete it within a given period.

Even if you are a beginner, a sense of urgency will ease you to be more productive by forcing you to work faster as per the industry reports.

Letโ€™s say, you are a student. After a few days, your exams are appearing. In this case, if you pre-plan what to study and set deadline goals for each subject, you are more likely to complete your portion efficiently.

A deadline helps you recall your tasks like a reminder.

I use Notion to track my daily progress through a set of deadlines that I apply to it.  

That said:

You can use any method to set a deadline and complete your writing tasks on time. The main thing is to set one.

5. Enjoy & Feel The Process

You canโ€™t simply write a whole book on fiction if you are interested in non-fiction.

For you to be able to write anything, you must have at least some interest/affection towards it.

A few months back, I decided to blog on an Amazon electronics products review niche. I even purchased a unique TLD for it.

However, after setting up the blog, I was wondering what to do next.

The problem:

I didnโ€™t know what to write because I was not truly interested in it. At that time, all I could see were high-ticket products paying a huge chunk of commissions.

In the end, I had no option but to SELL that domain. Poor me ๐Ÿ™ 

Donโ€™t just long for the results, enjoy the process. 

For example, I had a reason to start a blog and therefore I love and enjoy what I do.

Writing is not just about showing your writing skills. In fact, every writing of yours should solve at least some kinds of audience pain points.

Later, when your readers will leave a positive comments on your blog posts, you will feel the gaily.

Useful comments from readers

For example: 

Wheneverย Grammarlyย sends me my weekly writing analytics, it encourages me to write more & break my own records. You can read our review about Grammarly.

Grammarly Weekly Analytics Mail

6. Force Yourself To Write Every Day

I never took writing seriously unless I started practicing it daily.

You do not need to be passionate about everything in the beginning. I believe there is no such thing as finding passion.

Instead, you have to try new things and see if they are working for you or not. Thatโ€™s how you build passion, not find one.

Writing daily has exceptional benefits. Be it creative writing, freewriting, journaling, or even professional writing, practicing them daily will help you build momentum to write.

At least, try it for a month. You will see positive changes.

After I completed one month of continuous writing on Quora, emails & these blog posts, of course, I no longer needed to listen to the motivational music to kick-start.

I was able to feel motivated within.

And thatโ€™s the main reason why I was able to publish 12 high-quality guides in the first month itself.

Create a daily writing ritual and write whatever comes to your mind.

It will help.

Donโ€™t believe me? I have come up with some evidence to support my words:

According to Inc., Many billion dollarsโ€™ businesses are now focussing more on writing as poor writing skills can cost them billions.

Sounds good.

7. Write Your Intro Later

If you want to write some of the worldโ€™s best intros, you will need to write the introduction in the end.


Almost every major piece includes an intro part. Your introduction needs to be written in such a way that your readers remained glued to the screen to read your pieces further.

Also, the introduction includes the whole abstract of the pieces. Thatโ€™s why you donโ€™t want to mess up in it.

The major issue:

As a blogger, I too need to write the best blog post intros to stand out.

Put another way. I need to make every blog introduction unique which requires a lot of time.

Therefore, If I write my introduction at the beginning, I am more likely to end up with ZERO ideas after finishing the intro itself.

This helps me procrastinate and waste my whole day doing nothing๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ.

We recently published a definitive guide in writing the blog introduction where I discussed the major benefits of writing the intro later. You can have a look at that article from here.

How to motivate yourself to write every day

8. Write The Whole Piece, Then Edit

Are you the one who likes to tweak changes for some phrases or correct grammatical mistakes in between writing a piece?

If so, then please stop that madness.

It is a sheer degradation of the quality of your writing. While you are writing your first draft, you should never look into correcting mistakes and typos.

By doing so, you are breaking a concentration that you were trying to build since forever.

Unfortunately, our brain is equipped in such a way that our conscious mind can only take up to 60 bits per second of information at a time.

Therefore, you should never try to confuse your brain by multitasking.

When I started as a blogger, I did the same mistake that would afterward cost me huge losses in terms of the quality of the content.

While writing the first draft, your only job is to jot down whatever thought process is running on your mind. 

One of the most distraction-free ways to do is it to use one of my favorite minimalist site called Zen Pen.

ZenPen distraction-free writing tool

This free site allows you to write anything on their webpage without any ads or further disturbances.

This method will help you get in a writing mood even when you are not willing to do so.

Don’t edit while writing.

9. Don’t Start Your Day With Writing

You may have heard about starting your day with writing.

I am not saying it is not valid.

The problem is:

It didnโ€™t work for me & I think for many others too.

Let me tell you the result of my morning experiment.

I committed myself to write at least one blog post in the morning after a bath.

In the initial days, the momentum was going great. Everything was going on in a FLOW.

But even before a week, I started finding it very grim. 


Whenever I looked at a blank doc page, my mind used to flush itself with zero thoughts.

Put another way, I was unable to write anything on the doc due to the blank screen.

This demotivated me.

But it was not too late till I came up with a defensive solution to it.

What did I exactly do?

Nothing of a much. Instead of starting over, I edited what was already written. This helped me stay on track without the fear of missing out.

Another thing that helped me stay motivated and write better in the morning was: HIIT.

I recently started High-Intensity Interval Training which helps boost my early morning mood by making my body warm & strong.

Morning workout surprisingly helps in making your whole day positive and energetic.

Try it once and if you are already doing it, you are on another level.

Writing after a workout, bath works for me.

10. Release Good Dopamine

In simple terms, Dopamine is a chemical released in our body that gives us pleasure and motivates us to do the same thing again.

Though dopamine helps in providing a temporary motivation, it works the way we want it to work.

For example, you can release dopamine in two different ways:

1. Social media & other unhealthy addictions โ€“

Using social media too often signals our brain that we enjoy the activity.

Therefore, whenever we like or comment, or get likes on our pictures, we feel an enormous amount of joy.

As this joy is good ONLY for the short term, it eventually becomes an addiction that constantly reminds us of opening a specific app again and again.

A few months back, I used to get at least 296 notifications on my phone every day. And every time I hear the sound of a notification, I used to get distracted and start buzzing to see whatโ€™s in there.

In short, I released dopamine every time I picked up my phone after hearing the sound. This then began to ruin my work-life balance.

Therefore, I decided to mute every notification until the evening when I free myself from all the work.

And my current daily phone unlocks have also been reduced to a great extent.

Daily Phone Notifications

On the other hand, there is also a good way in which dopamine can help you and me. 

2. Reading books, exercise, etc โ€“

According to Health Line, daily healthy activities like exercise, reading, eating proteins, sunlight, etc are all the elements that help in releasing the Dopamine thatโ€™s good for your mental health.

For example, I wanted to be in a good posture. As I needed to gain more weight, I started a morning workout and decided to not miss any day.

Initially, it felt mundane and tough to be alone in the cold mornings but ultimately, it became a habit & anytime I used to think about exercising, I felt motivated and, my mind would release Dopamine that would encourage me to work out more.

The relation between workout and writing:

When I started writing my pieces after working out in the morning, my quality of progress increased substantially.

In fact, I was able to write more in a single sitting than I used to before.

Some people prefer to work out after writing. You can choose whatever works best for you.

Just do something that offers good Dopamine.

11. Keep Telling Yourself The Reason To Continue

When you feel demotivated and your mind goes out of ideas, ask yourself why you started it, and what is your purpose behind it.

By asking this regularly, It will keep reminding you that you want to achieve it against every odds.

The best way that I follow to remind myself is: by writing it daily

In Napoleon Hillโ€™s book i.e. Think & Grow Rich, he mentioned one strategy that helped successful people achieve their fortune.

It was all about writing your goals and purpose and reading them out twice a day. It may sound weird in the beginning but all of it will make sense in record time.

For example, I use sticky notes and stick them near my working table so that I could see them every day.

P.S: One of my sticky notes also includes waking up at 5:00 AM daily which I have been trying to accomplish SINCE forever ๐Ÿ™‚

12. Take Breaks, Remain Hydrated

You have put in 100 hours/ week to complete your high-intensity tasks just like Elon Musk. 

You have completed your first week very well with less sleep and no breaks.

But after a week:

You felt a burnout. You are not alone.

Many of us get mentally tired after working so hard on the same activity again and again.

If you want to work hard and get the best possible results, you have to let your brain regain its energy for a while too.

Say differently, you need to find a serene place to calm your mind.

Visit a place, do meditation, or do whatever it takes to bring back your mental energy.

Thatโ€™s the main reason why even the most fruitful people take breaks to rejuvenate themselves for a better kick-start for the next time.

You do not necessarily need to visit places. You can find yourself a place where no one including emails can reach you, sit there for some time, do nothing.

Likewise, you need to keep drinking lots of water every day to keep your mind fresh.

Ideas come from our mind and our mind is made up of 73% water.

73% of our brain is made up of water

Therefore, not drinking enough water should not be a task, it should be a need and a compulsion that you need to fulfill every day.

You can find many free apps that will remind you to drink water after assured minutes.

Keeping yourself hydrated and taking breaks – are proven to be some of the most useful factors that assist in regaining lost enthusiasm.

13. Listen To Focus Music

Music improves your focus to do more.

But hereโ€™s a condition:

MUSIC depends on the task that you are pursuing.

Let’s say, you want to write a piece that requires deep focus as well as a thoroughly researched approach.

In this case, you may not want to hear music while writing. By doing so, you are forcing your brain to concentrate on two different tasks.

On the other hand, if you are writing an informal article or practicing creative writing, instrumental music can be a perfect bet.

Therefore, music to give proven results needs to fulfill the type of task.

Some of the best MUSIC TYPES that can be of great help are as follows:

  • Deep focus
  • Instrumental music
  • Your favorite song
  • Listening to a repeated song again and again
  • Lo-fi beats

And a few more.

When I write listening to music, the work comes out to be more read-worthy.

And it keeps me up with my internal drive.

In fact, whenever I want to connect with other bloggers, I tend to pitch them emails while listening to music.

And THANKS to music that helped me write some of my definitive guides such as:

โ€œHow to write a blog postโ€,

And, โ€œBlog Launch Checklistโ€.

Blog launch checklist

Not bad.

14. Use Tools To Make Your Life Easier

You can only do so many things at a time.

In short, you need some tools that can help you optimize your written content.

Here are some of the best tools that I use regularly to save my time, enhance my writing, and improve each day:

1. Google Docs โ€“

Google Docs by Google

Google Docs is a free tool by Google to help writers like you and me write, share & collaborate easily. This is my daily go-to hub for writing stuff without distraction. The best thing about them is they keep saving your work every SECOND.

2. Grammarly โ€“

Freemium grammar correction tool by Grammarly

Whether you are a beginner writer or veteran in it, you need Grammarly.

Grammarly is a freemium grammar correction tool. Not only that, if you shift to their premium plan, they offer unlimited featured such as:

  • Plagiarism detector
  • Word choice
  • Readability
  • Advanced recommendation for optimization


Grammarly Pricing

I could have never imagined my writing improving without Grammarly to date.

If you are INTO writing, you need Grammarly.

3. Notion โ€“


The Notion is the most helpful productivity app I have ever seen. Without any coding knowledge, you can design your whole life with Notion.

From making a to-do list to creating trackers, there are endless opportunities with Notion.

The best part?

Its FREE version is great itself for individuals & if you are a college student provided with a (.Edu) email id, you can access their premium version for free until you leave the college.

Sounds great.

From planning blog content to making a swipe file, I currently manage everything in Notion itself.

My notion dashboard

With this out of the way, letโ€™s move to our last but not the least tactic that will help you to motivate to write neatly.

15. Document, Donโ€™t Create

This line โ€œDocument, donโ€™t createโ€ is adopted & inspired by one of the greatest entrepreneurs i.e. Gary Vee.

The line itself explains its true potential.

Documenting is the process of capturing moments of your personal life experiences and sharing them with your audience.

One of the best examples of documenting can be VLOGGING or TRAVEL BLOGGING where you are supposed to create content based on your know-how.

This makes it easy for you to jot everything down as you already know everything. I am not saying you should only write about your own experiences.

A mixture of well-researched data and personal experiences can be the best option.

You do not need to reinvent the wheel. Instead, do what is ALREADY done successfully by others.

Over To You

This was the ultimate guide on how to motivate yourself to write.

Now, I hopefully assume that you got to learn something new from this article & will benefit from the same in the future.

External motivation is temporary, internal motivation is permanent.

This was all up to me. Now, I would like to hear from you.

Out of the following 15 strategies, which one are you going to use to motivate yourself to write?

Is it setting writing goals or documenting instead of creating? Or all of them?

Either way. Let me know by leaving a comment below right now.

You have added enough motivation to your soul. Now go and implement some of the given tactics to get outcomes ๐Ÿ™‚

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. This means we may make a small commission if you make a purchase.


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  1. Abhishek Padhi says:

    I Like the concept High-Intensity Interval Training [HIIT]. ๐Ÿ‘Œ
    The notion is a great productivity tool and the interface and mind map tools are awesome…
    Nice post Dhruvir ๐Ÿ‘

    1. Dhruvir Zala says:

      Thanks, Abhishek, I am glad that you liked this new guide. Yes, HIIT is a thing that eases my whole day PAIN of working hard.

  2. Mayank Mehani says:

    Such a great piece of content.โœŒ๏ธ
    There is so much to learn from you and your experience.

    1. Dhruvir Zala says:

      Thank you, Mayank. I will try my 100% to deliver content that reaches your expectations all the time.

  3. Nice Animated Images in the top. How to create that type of images. Do share a guide..

    1. Dhruvir Zala says:

      I am glad that you LIKED the graphics. I will surely share a definitive guide on how I create this GRAPHICS. Keep visiting.

  4. Ryan K Biddulph says:

    Read, read and read some more. I intend to be a voracious reader Dhruvir because reading a bunch inspires me to write a bunch, through osmosis. Fabulous tips.


    1. Dhruvir Zala says:

      Hey Ryan.

      I know you are an avid reader. I have proof backed up for it.

      Whenever I am reading blog posts from popular blogs, I have seen your comments in most of them and that’s great.

      Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

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