14 Enchanting Steps To Become A Better Blogger (In 2023)

How to become a better blogger

I know how it is.

You are struggling to become a better blog writer by consistently creating EPIC content.

You throw in countless hours by working relentlessly on a single blog post.

You check SEO before publishing, tags, meta, proofread, etc.

In fact, you do all it takes to rank a blog post.

Eventually, your subconscious mind ends up consoling you the wrong way. After publishing around 15 great articles yet receiving no traffic, you feel like a man sweating in the desert without water.

This is a common issue. And to solve this issue in the best way possible; here is the ultimate checklist on how to become a better blogger starting from today.

If you want to become an excellent blogger, you will love this new guide.

Let’s begin.

How To Become A Better Blogger

  • 1. Planning is vital.
  • 2. Always overdeliver.
  • 3. Take advantage of your competitor’s laziness.
  • 4. Brand your blog.
  • 5. Uncover the evergreen elements of blogging.
  • 6. Blog design matters.
  • 7. Connect with other bloggers.
  • 8. Work as a team.
  • 9. Learn copywriting.
  • 10. Don’t shy away while content promotion.
  • 11. The Email list shouldn’t be ignored.
  • 12. Read more, write more.
  • 13. Storytelling is the key.
  • 14. Work very hard.

14 Enchanting Steps To Become A Better Blogger (In 2023)

1. Planning is vital –

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” – Benjamin Franklin

If you believe in reducing uncertainty, you should plan.

You can almost eliminate ambiguity from achieving your goals if the created plan is SOLID and PROVEN.

Benefits of planning in blogging

Your plan may even fail. However, if you take action without planning, there are high chances that you will fail every time.

Similarly, every blogger needs to plan everything ranging from planning the blog content to gaining the sources of motivation to write.

In short, you need to plan at every ounce of blogging. 

Do you need a backlink?

Well, you will have to plan how you are going to get it.

I was not a great believer in planning until I met with a depressive failure.

Initially, when I used to write my blog posts, I used to write them without creating any outline and assuming that it would save me time.

Instead, I ended up making it worse. 


Readers showered their abusive comments on my blog posts.

P.S – I didn’t approve those comments (Smart boy) 😉

Jokes aside, plan to win. Planning is a great time saver.

2. Always overdeliver –

I have seen bloggers promising their readers on providing terrific content in the headlines and sometimes maybe even in the blog post introduction. 

But till we reach the actual content, the robot language possesses the whole article.

Put another way. You will feel like you were betrayed as the promise is broken.

You should overdeliver.

And one of the proven tactics to do it is to under-promise.

In one of the articles on value, Forbes suggests how underpromising and over-delivering to a certain extent can help keep up the motivation, productivity, etc.

Benefits of underpromising and overdelivering in blogging

This strategy works well in almost every field.

And no wonder why it is one of the commonly used symbolic headlines for almost all freelancers. 

If you want to write a great blog post, you need to over-deliver what you promise.

In this way, your readers will feel valued and they may end up becoming your regular readers, email subscribers, or even a customer (if you are selling stuff).

Over-delivering is great. However, it should not be an excuse to compromise the quality of your content.

3. Take advantage of your competitor’s laziness –

Though Bill Gates chooses a lazy person to do a difficult task, it doesn’t work that way in blogging.

In fact, it is totally the opposite in the blogging world.

There are many blogs on the internet & many are added every day. Out of these wholesome blogs, there are a lot of blogs that are categorized as SPAMMY or WORTHLESS.

On the other hand, some blogs provide high-quality content. However, many of them are unable to make up to the limelight.


They are hastened to click on the publish button and submit the post URL in Google Search Console as soon as possible.

A perfect blog post is the one that includes:

  • Epic content
  • High-quality media
  • Infographics (Optional)
  • References to the sources
  • Proper internal linking
  • Proofreading (editing final draft)
  • FAQs


And many of us make the same mistakes again and again by not including any of the above elements.

Sometimes, you are too tired to proofread the long article or sometimes you end up ignoring the images that you were supposed to insert.

Even if it takes an enormous time, do not miss out on anything important. Because many of them miss out.

Therefore, you can take the advantage of their laziness and thrive higher.

In fact, this is the main reason why Brian Dean was able to differentiate his blog from many. He took the advantage of his competitors’ laziness.

(He uses more images and screenshots in his every article than almost everyone else).

That’s how you want to be too. Your content quality will pay off one day.

Never let yourself down because your opponents are Lethargic 🙂

4. Brand your blog –

Neil Patel knows his stuff. His blog gets a monthly visit in millions.

Neil Patel


He preaches as well as practices branding in every trait.

Branding your blog plays a vital part in your blogging success if you want to see your products/services get sold.

Once you become successful in building your online presence, people will search for your blog through its name.

For example: 

Currently, as my blog is growing. The most obvious way through which people enter my blog – is through Google search.

However, once they become familiar with my blog, they will directly visit my blog by searching my name i.e. in this case: Scale Blogging.

And once people start searching your blog’s name in the search engines, your blog relevancy and brand start to surge.

Branding itself can help increase your blog traffic to a great extent.

For example, the keyword “Neil Patel” itself has about 133K global monthly visits (as of now) according to Ahrefs.

Keyword research in Ahrefs

Therefore, pay heed to it.

How to brand your blog?

For perfect blog branding, you need to provide immense value on a specific topic at a regular interval. In short, create your authority in a particular niche and people will start remembering you for the same.

Check out my ultimate guide on how to brand your blog to get into the nitty-gritty of its corners.

5. Uncover the evergreen elements of blogging –

As it is my sheer responsibility to be aware of you, I will keep doing so.

Blogging is not only about writing content. In fact, writing is just a piece of it.

To rank your articles on Google, you need to do stuff like:

  • On-page SEO
  • Off-page SEO (Backlink Building)
  • Social sharing
  • Improving the internal linking structure
  • Fixing 404 errors


Master these and some other blogging elements to implement the tactics the right way.

The more you learn, the more clarity you will get.

Many great blogs teach about the technical side of blogging. Follow those blogs and keep learning new concepts. 

6. Blog design matters –

“Design is intelligence made visible.” – Alina Wheeler

You are a great content writer.

So much so that you story-tell just like Stephen King.

But do you know what?

Your audience will not wait to read your epic content if it looks messy through their naked eyes.

With the quality of content, you need to look into your blog architecture.

Easy-to-digest content, breakable paragraphs, search engines friendly images, etc are some of the major elements that you need to peep into.

From your homepage to the about page, everything should look excellent. Your readers should not feel that this is “just another WordPress website”.

That’s the main reason why pro bloggers spend a substantial chunk of their money on designing these things.

But wait, you do not need to hire a freelancer and do the work at high costs for you.

Even if you are a non-techie, you can nail your designing part.

For example:

I have designed every page of my blog (including the home) from Elementor Pro which is a leading WordPress page builder.

Also, to keep up with the cleanliness of the blog, I chose to go with the GeneratePress premium theme which is one of the top & most recommended themes out there.

These two plugins take off a major portion of the burden in designing a perfect blog.

Through their nominal cost, they prove to be my bread and butter in blogging.

We recently published a definitive guide on – Blog Launch Checklist where I discussed the importance of having a great blog design. You can check that article too.

Definitive guide on blog launch checklist

7. Connect with other bloggers –

If you want your things to get completed in the best way possible, you need a helping hand of a mentor.

Build genuine connections with every blogger that you meet and especially those who are under the same niche.

Creating connections with influential bloggers is one of the main reasons that helped me in learning the far-fetched angles of blogging.

That’s why I try to share my knowledge with anyone who is in need.

 In fact, I recently started a Facebook Group to build a community of strong bloggers and solve every pain point by serving each other.

In my definitive guide on “How to connect with other bloggers”, I explained various proven tactics to connect with other bloggers (with live examples) and make the most out of it. 

When the time permits, go through this guide too.

A list post on how to connect with other bloggers

8. Work as a team –

We lately published an ultimate checklist on “Things I wish I knew when I started blogging” where I have covered a whole topic backed with data to prove that working with a team has countess benefits. 

Power of teamwork in blogging

Working with a team is not a compulsion and I can understand how it is especially when you are just commencing.

That’s why I recommend you to start building valuable connections with bloggers because it is a kind of an indirect team without advertising.

When your blog revenue grows, you can choose to hire artistic individuals to delegate tasks.

Teamwork has many benefits and one of my favorite of all is that it can make you happy as per the study by Atlassian.

Teamwork can make you happier

When you are happy, you can think deeply without any distractions and make better decisions that can lead to better growth.

Some day or the other, you will need a team if you wish to keep growing your business. Always remember, you can learn so many things from other people’s experiences.

9. Learn copywriting –

I don’t know why many of my friends still find COPYWRITING a funny word. Whenever I ask about it my friends, think of it as a medium to plagiarize efficiently in exams. Can you believe it?

What is copywriting?

Copywriting in simple terms refers to the process of optimizing your sales pages/landing pages/emails etc for the highest potential conversion. Put another way. Copywriting is selling through words.

Why is copywriting important in blogging?

Imagine yourself writing epic content on a certain topic with a word length of around 3k-5k. After pouring all the sweat and blood into it, you hit the publish button. 

What next?

Your blog post keeps gathering dust all day long.


According to Copyblogger, every 8 out of 10 people read ONLY your blog post headline. 

8 out of 10 only read headlines

It means that if you are unable to come up with a great headline, your blog post won’t survive to reach the top page.

And to write awesome headlines, you need to learn copywriting.

Copywriting plays a huge role in blogging especially if you selling your courses, eBooks, or even affiliate products.

Let’s say one of your articles ranks in the 3rd position in Google. 

Now, if your headline will be super-optimized, there are high chances readers will click on your article than your competitors. This is how a click-through rate can help boost your organic rankings with the help of copywriting.

If you wish to learn copywriting from scratch & in detail, you should definitely check out the ultimate guide on SEO Copywriting by Backlinko.

SEO Copywriting by Backlinko

10. Don’t shy away while content promotion –

I can feel the pleasure inside when you are just about to hit a PUBLISH button and then leisure under a comforting blanket.

We keep longing for the traffic to automatically roll in just after indexing the article.

This is not how it works.

You may be an expert in writing blog posts faster but until you buckle up your promotion game, you will not perceive extensive results.

Just like the quality of the content, never compromise in promoting your articles to each possible platform.

I promote, for instance, every article on Twitter, Quora, Question Hub, Email List, LinkedIn, and sometimes even on medium.

And I must tell you that content promotion pays off.

When I started at LinkedIn, I had nearly less than 50 connections. Even after these small numbers, I was able to generate some passive views just like this one:

Organic growth in Linkedin

Similarly, in Quora, I keep getting traffic which often gets redirected to my articles when I link them.

Organic growth in Quora

Therefore, it is clear that content promotion can add up to an extra amount of targeted visitors that can be converted as per your WILL.

11. The Email list shouldn’t be ignored –

I keep telling you this in almost any of my articles.

Your email list matters. It helps you build one-on-one personal and strong connections with your readers.

If you wish to become a better blogger, you need to start building an email list from day one.

Provide anything valuable for free in exchange for their email addresses and there you have it.

If you are new to email marketing and wish to choose the best email marketing platform, Get Response can be of great help.

GetResponse freemium email marketing tool

Here, you can manage everything from your email addresses, campaigns, landing pages, etc.


 If we talk about email marketing’s future potential, you will be shocked.

According to Statista, a whopping amount of around 306.4 billion emails were sent and received every day in 2020, and luckily the number is increasing day by day.

Number of emails sent everyday

Email address is just like your favorite furniture. You may change everything while building a new house but you may transfer your favorite furniture to the new house.

Similarly, email addresses can rarely change over time as every piece of information is synced to it.

Take the benefit, amigo!

12. Read more, write more –

“Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.” – Margaret Fuller

I am an avid reader.

There is no substitution for READING when it comes to writing better.

Reading not only helps in exploring new words but also helps in getting command over the language. 

Reading helps in improving command over the language

That’s why great people love to read daily.

As a blogger, you should too create a ritual of reading anything. 

For example, I give myself time to read some of my favorite blogs every Sunday by saving them in Notion.

Saving webpages in Notion

Sounds good!

I have seen many positive effects after increasing my reading time. Now, I can communicate with my peers more efficiently & even write abundantly than before.

Never discontinue reading if you want to create epic blogging content.

13. Storytelling is the key –

“I’ll tell you a secret. Old storytellers never die. They disappear into their own story.” – Vera Nazarian

Storytelling is ruling writing for decades and will continue to do so for maybe… FOREVER.

You can find it out by yourself.

When someone explains anything, do you understand it through complex/formal procedures or applicable stories?

I think the latter one would be suitable for almost every one of us.

In blogging, captivating stories hook the audience.

I love how Henneke from Enchanting Marketing uses her storytelling tactics to effectively explain complex concepts in the simplest form ever.

Henneke from Enchanting Marketing

Even joining her email list proved to be a GODSEND for me.

Henneke's emails about writing & copywriting tips

It is not hard. All you need to do is to express your feelings lucidly.

14. Work very hard –

Elon Musk has been a firm admiration of me for years. And one of the main reasons for that was his ruthless dedication and hard work towards establishing billion dollars’ companies.

In fact, I am so much obsessed with his achievements that I have kept a sticky note of his name for reminding myself to work as hard as him EVERY DAY.

His sayings are logical and despite knowing that working super hard will increase the odds for success, most of us tend to give up on our dreams and choose to live the average life.

If you want to be an excellent blogger, work like an unbreakable.

P.S: My reason to start a blog also derived from Elon Musk hard work since his childhood years 🙂 

Blogging has its pros and cons. However, if you follow the above-explained steps, no one can stop you from being a better blogger.

This was the ultimate guide on how to be a better blogger

I hopefully assume that after following the above strategies, you will be able to make your way in blogging.

Now, it’s your turn. 

Tell me. Out of the following steps discussed in this guide, which one did you like the most?

Is it working very hard or is it learning to Copywrite?

Also, are there any unique ways to become a better blogger that isn’t listed here?

Either way. Let me know by leaving a comment below right now.

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. This means we may make a small commission if you make a purchase.


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  1. Abhishek padhi says:

    Nicely said. We should write for humans rather than search engines. So, user engagement will increase and it also helps boost Ranking. 👍

    1. Dhruvir Zala says:

      Yes, exactly. Thank you.

  2. Rucha Bajpai says:

    It is a great article.

    1. Dhruvir Zala says:

      Thank you, Rucha. I hope it helped you.

  3. Your points are excellent but your English grammar needs serious attention. Please have someone who knows how to form a proper sentence help you proofread. It’s annoying and distracting to have to stop reading because a word is out of place. Just trying to help.

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